Monday, April 7, 2008


That photo was taken from the SQ flight to New Delhi on 29 Jan 2008, I quite like how that shot turned out.
It was a last minute trip for a site job but strangely I felt very relaxed throughout this 4-day trip. Everyday travelling for 2 to 3 hours to get to the job site sort of relaxes me even though there was always hell of a jam at the new Gurgaon toll-gates both ways. I travelled that Delhi-Gurgaon highway in the day, back the opposite direction late into the night everyday and never felt tired of the long journey.....strange indeed!
It was not the longest road trip by car I had taken, I recall the Tashkent to Samarkhand & Almaty to Bishkek trips in Central Asia (1990's) and also the Autobahn journey from Hanover to Rotterdam (circa. 2004/05) -- amazing road trips!
I saw, what still is today, the most beautiful lady at a restaurant in Bishkek. With regret I did not take any picture of her but her name is forever etched in my memory - "Mira" (pronounced as mai-ya).

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