..........starting with the legs and flip-flops!

.........my eldest.

.......my little one.

........now who took it when I was unprepared, huh?

.........now ready with my pose!

......the Flyer from Marina Barrage.

..........photos with the pair of Rolls Royces of Fullerton Hotel.
..........my eldest is nearly as tall as me!

.............these photos were taken by my eldest and this is the first time he played with a DSLR! Amazing!
And on manual mode too! Maybe he has that X-factor with photography??

.......maybe it's just me, I think symmetry makes most shots interestingly balanced
or maybe it's just because of my star sign??
.................................A Beautiful Sunday
I had wriiten a passage for this piece but discarded it as it was too personal that did not sit in well with the theme "A Beautiful Sunday", so I have written this instead:
From the moment you popped out from your mother's womb
in the delivery room
You had given me Unknown Pleasures, Joy and Wonder
Which will stay with me forever and ever
I may not have said or expressed it often enough
That I love you
I just hope you know it from within
That this love will be there forever and
Through time, will never wither
The OHBROTHERS from South Korea.
These five guys are proof that Rock N Roll music transcends time and space. Smartly dressed in suits, tight pants and pointed shoes, covering standard classics like Tutti Fruitti and Johnny B. Goode to Rock N Roll numbers in Korean, these guys really kick ass and kept the Esplanade Outdoor Theatre humming all night long. Everyone in the packed crowd could easily identify with the universality of the music.
I even got a photo shot with the gang after the show!
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