Piece 1:
Last evening (19 Jan 09) was reading this article http://www.urbanmonk.net/229/giving-what-you-dont-have/ afterwork at the nearby library when a Maris Stella P5 student came over noticing the M1 wireless modem which I was using to access the page. He had a similar modem and that started our little conversation. He was mentioning how one of his teacher scolded a fellow classmate who did not pass up his assignment and told the teacher that he got no time to do it. No wonder the teacher was furious! Anyhow I told him that teachers that took the time to scold students care enough about the students' well-being to do that, otherwise why would they bother. Perhaps he never saw it from that angle and who can blame him, he was only a Primary student. I would have reacted the same way as he did if I was at his age - looking at things only from the surface. But on hindsight, I had nothing but respect for quite a number of my teachers from Primary and Secondary schools. There is one Mr. Kewal who taught us A-Maths, who without fail, started his class with everyone standing straight while he inspect the classroom's cleanliness. He was very particular about his routine and we never understood why at that time. Only many years later did it dawned on me that his method was extremely effective to prep everyone to be attentive to what he was teaching in class. And he was also very particular about writing out the steps distinctly on the exercise book which also helped us in a big way in understanding the solution of each mathematical problem. step by step. His method was one of a kind and very effective, slow and steady with no rush. It was so slow that we only covered half of the syllabus to pass GCE 'O'.....we skipped the entire Applied Maths section which was harder to grasp anyway. His application was spot on, directing all our focus on what was achievable with almost absolute certainty. For that he left the most impression of all the teachers that I knew and its all good!
Piece 2:
About this article: http://www.urbanmonk.net/229/giving-what-you-dont-have/ .
It was about the higher enlightenment of giving - giving what you do not actually have and thereby gaining it in the whole process! This is deep! Almost an art!
In truth, I agreed with the article, that giving what you already have is easy enough and nearly effortless, it is only a matter of how much (or how little) you are willing to give. Giving because you want to (or try to) and not expecting anything in return - that is the essence of giving and sharing. Selfishness is a disease few could really get rid of in their lifetime, it's like a pain that never could go away.
I sure hope I can one day gain this deeper enlightenment but it is a case of easier said (or read) than done!
Piece 3:
Things happen without you knowing or least expecting it....you just simply do it!
Last Sunday (18 Jan 09), I surprised even myself clocking in at 11:44.50 for my regular weekly 2.4km run. I stagnated at between 12 mins to 12 mins 30 secs for the longest time and went barely under 12 mins only once since I started to pick up running again. This timing was better than any I had run during reservist training for the past 13 or 15 years! The thing was that I ran at a fairly consistent pace for the six rounds around the track this time and felt relaxed enough at the end of the run. Hope I could sustain this!
Piece 4: Pièce de résistance!
My blog posts got LINKED!
I got a little mention in this post titled "Etc :: After Stars / Second to Bee-Gees" by Mr. Etc. - Ben The MAN! on 15 Jan 09.
3 of my posts were linked:
Add to that, some really really nice words from Ben and humbled by being called a "prince"!
I am a BIG BIG fan (not the electric kind!) - that is the honest truth! And also Ben and I shared some common experiences in the developing process of the local indie music scene renaissance from back in the late 80's right through the 90's. I lost track of it all after the 90's and "came back from the dead" (figuratively speaking) with Electrico's We Satellites mini-tour, Baybeats 2008 and re-ignited by Etc's 30th Nov 2008 gig at the Esplanade Outdoor Theatre. The passion is back!
Piece 5:
Finally...at last! K my first ever song at a Karaoke!
I finally caved in, the bathroom singer sang his first song at a Karaoke on 6 Jan 2009 in Xian's Partyworld! No thanks to...(you know who YOU are!!).
Having resisted doing it all my life, I really don't know what came over me! I was not drunk nor alcohol-intoxicated at that time! Don't really know what happen, that person must have some kind of Divine power perhaps? Or maybe because it was during the afternoon and there was, for once zero alcohol in the KTV room?
After flipping back and forth, settled on IF (by Bread) as that first song! Reason? The songwords of course, also it was in a low enough key for me to "disgrace" myself and torture the rest of the company.
"If a picture paints a thousand words, then why can't I paint you...."
A reflection on the despair I have had, maybe?
If a picture paints a thousand words
Then why can't I paint you?
The words will never show
the you I've come to know.
If a face could launch a thousand ships
Then where am I to go?
There's no one home but you,
You're all that's left me too.
And when my love for life is running dry.
You come and pour yourself on me.
If a man could be two places at one time, I'd be with you.
Tomorrow and today, beside you all the way.
If the world should stop revolving spinning slowly down to die,
I'd spend the end with you.
And when the world was through,
Then one by one the stars would all go out
Then you and I would simply fly away
Also, belted out "Yesterday Once More" as a duet with an angel - unbelievable! I consider that as our Special song now! The next time we get to K, that will be the opening number...definitely!
I had better start practising now......................just in case!
5 Lifestyle Changes You Need to Cope With Anxiety Disorder
We all have our fears and phobias. And often instead of battling them we
hide from inconveniences and do our best to avoid unpleasant things.
However, figh...
5 weeks ago
光看第一段 我就已经开始翻字典了。。。dathy
Pieces out of places 就是牛頭不對馬嘴的亂拼亂寫的!
Piece 5 是西安K-歌的那部份。。。
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