I count my own blessings that I was able to finally meet up with Baby Miracle, 宋馨懿 on 3rd Jan 2009 in 绵阳 where she and her family are finally able to find a place to settle in. I had the good fortune to be able to play with her (together with her family members for over 2 hours that day. We had the most joyous of times (at least I felt it that way) with the games she thought out, with the toys (or props) available. It was very very heartwarming that for one little kid under 4 years old, she had the most vivid imagination I have ever come across and the way she got everyone involved was truly out of this world! Her unreserved laughter still rings in my ears.
This is the drawing she drew and autographed for me. I don't think anyone could make out the message and signature but I knew what and where they were 'cause she told me specifically.....this is the 1st present I ever received from an angel!
I always had a soft spot in me about napkin scribbles as an art form. Things written or drawn are unpretentious and a spur-of-the-moment thingy which will never ever be repeated the same way or in the same context. This is the scribble by the 2nd angel I had the pleasure of meeting twice during this China trip. She is some sort of a mini-celebrity and if you Googled her name, thousands of relevant hits will turn up. If you Baidu her name, even more will turn up - all relevant hits too!
I was lucky enough to be given a DVD with the 5.12 Earthquake relief work she did with her other colleagues. It was fated that I saw the DVD in the coffee bar at Xian Xianyang airport on New Year's Day 2009, having missed my flight to Chengdu that afternoon. I did not have a DVD drive with me so I had to view it on the computer in the coffee bar. What I saw in the footages almost brought tears to my eyes - the dangerous trip to the earthquake-damaged areas both by mini-bus as well as on foot, having to stay overnight in tents with limited water supply, the tears that flowed........The defining moment (in my humble opinion) was this beautiful angel holding the hands of the Qiang woman who had to be sent to a hospital........that was LOVE from the heart from one human being to another, nevermind whether that human being was a friend or a stranger. In that single moment it seems the world became ONE - one literally without any borders or reservations of any sort - simply just LOVE OVERFLOWING! And how I wish I could have that too!
In the napkin art this lovely angel drew (at her 2nd "home", if I might add, on 6th Jan 09), I was referred to as a PIG and I was so so happy about it! PIGS could really FLY.....or at least I did! THANK YOU, Angel!

Ah yes! I finally managed to get her to autographed that DVD too (after much pesistent pestering in which she thought I was not serious and only joking!) !
My angel, this and your friendship are the best presents I could hope for... and I got them both! No amount of gold will ever compare to this....truly.
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